The Most Unique Slang Term in All 50 States

 If you're ever on vacation in Hawaii and someone calls you "shark bait," you might assume it's some vague threat about leaving you in the ocean to DIE.  But don't worry, they really just insulting your complexion . . .

Someone put together a list of the most unique slang terms from all 50 states.  In Hawaii, "shark bait" is a term locals use for tourists who are so pale, they'll attract sharks if they get in the water.  

Here are some more weird terms from the list you might not know . . . 

"Roofer"  In Arkansas, it's a synonym for idiot or moron.  (Wow, it must really suck to be an ACTUAL roofer there.)

"Gaper"  In Colorado, it's a derogatory term for a bad skier.

"No-See-Ums"  In Florida, "no-see-ums" are gnats, or other small bugs that are hard to see.

"Chitlans"  If someone from Georgia says you have "lovely chitlans," DON'T punch them in the mouth.  They mean you have lovely CHILDREN.  (Although "chitlins" in the South could also refer to a dish made of fried pig intestines.)

 "LSD"  In Illinois, if someone says they're "driving on LSD," they USUALLY mean a road in Chicago called Lake Shore Drive. 

"Hot brown"  In Kentucky, it's a type of open-faced sandwich. 

"It's brick"  In Massachusetts, if something is "brick," it means it's very cold. 

"Pigeon"  In Nevada, it's a gambler who keeps throwing more money at a bad bet. 

"J'eet?"  It's what someone in Oklahoma sounds like when they say "did you eat?" 

"Snoopy"  In Pennsylvania, it means you're a picky eater. 

"Meat and three"  In Tennessee, it's a meal.  As in meat and three side dishes. 

"Greenie"  In Wyoming, it means someone from Colorado, because their license plates are green. 

Not all the terms on the list are that obscure though.  Here are a few more you WILL probably know, because we say them other places too . . . 

Waiting a "hot minute" in Alabama . . . saying something you like is the "bomb" in California . . . going to a bar and getting "loaded" in Kansas . . . "fixin'" to do something in Mississippi . . . and "biffing it" when you slip and fall down in Utah.


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