The Porn Trends for 2019 Show People Like Big Ladies, Porn for Women . . .

The porn site just released their "2019 Trend Report," which is based on everything people did and didn't watch on their site last year.  And here are some of the findings . . . 

1.  Women watching porn was up 28% in the U.S. 

2.  The biggest fetish that men and women disagree on is SPANKING.  It was the 7th most popular for women . . . but only the 98th most popular for men. 

3.  I've been saying this forever, but BIG LADIES are HOT.  The searches for BBW porn . . . that's "big beautiful women" . . . are up over 87%. 

4.  Bad news for redheads . . . or maybe good news, depending on how you look at it.  Searches for redheads in porn were down 14%. 

5.  And finally, it looks like the "50 Shades of Grey" mania is finally done.  Searches for BDSM dropped 34%.  


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