Composting Human Bodies Now A Thing In Washington State

In case you missed it, Washington’s officially the first state to give mourners a third option as to what to do with the remains of their dead loved ones. Starting on May 1st of 2020, “licensed facilities” will be able to offer “natural organic reduction” for the corpses, in addition to the standard burial and cremation services.

What’s that? “Natural organic reduction” is also called “liquid cremation.” It’s a process that ranchers have been using for years and can turn a “1,500-pound steer – bones and all – into clean and odorless soil in a matter of months.” In other words, your dead Gram Gram can get ‘buried’ in wood chips, straw, and other stuff…and in about four-weeks? Worm food.

Washington governor Jay Inslee signed the legislation officially on Tuesday and hopes the “Recompose” model can be an inspiration for the rest of the country. It’s a viable alternative to over-crowded cemeteries and the expense of coffins, headstones, and paying people to dig the holes to put them in. Plus, you can plant an apple tree in Dad’s remains, and feast off his natural goodness for decades to come. At the moment, Recompose is looking to secure their first facility with the hopes of having 25 in operation by late 2020.

Source:Seattle Times

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