Want $100k To Quit Your Job And Go After Your Dream Gig?

If you stand at 5-foot-6, you’re probably not going to get to the NBA. If you’ve got a C-average in school, you’re probably not going to be an astronaut. But for many, it’s not genetics or smarts that keeps them from starting their “dream job” – it’s moolah. If you don’t have the seed money, that dream business may never get off the ground. One company is going to put up $100-thousand to help one person get moving in the right direction.

Prana is a company that specializes in sustainable clothing for the outdoors, yoga, and all that healthy stuff. They’ve also fired-up a promotion to help one lucky person move forward into making their dream job a reality. The first, and only, step is making a video. Shoot them a short vid (of 1-3 minutes) about what you’re doing now, and what your dream job would be…and send it to dreamjob.prana.com.

Creativity won’t hurt here either, so if you build cars…show off your skills, if you’re a chef…make your best stuff. Seriously, if you don’t show yourself off, nobody else will. The winner will be asked to then quit their crappy job and will be given four installments of $25-thousand to get started on their “dream job,” and be asked to give updates and stories of the journey along the way. You’ve got until September 16th, so get moving and good luck!

Source:Prana Dream Job

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