It’s Movember – Tips On Growing The Perfect Moustache

It’s the month were men are encouraged to grow their best moustache to promote men’s health. If you’re unsure about the best way to grow your ‘stache, take these tips to heart and make the most of your manly facial accessory.

  • Prep –Know what you’re going for. Check out moustaches online and figure out which one is truly “you.”
  • Bravery –The first few days might be uncomfortable and make you feel silly. Ride it out, big guy.
  • Itching –It’ll itch, at first. Ignore it as best you can.
  • Shaping –From here on out, it all comes down to grooming. Shape it, trim it, and style it into your perfect piece of facial art.
  • Maintenance –Nurture it and keep it clean. Do unto your moustache as you would have it do unto you.

Happy Movember…and take care of your health.


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