Instagram Model Raises Money For Australia With Nude Pix

In case you missed it, wildfires that are wreaking havoc in Australia. According the NSW Rural Fire Service, there are currently 146 fires burning, 65 of which are “uncontained,” and over 2,700 emergency responders are on the scene doing their level best to put a stop to what has become a major disaster. At last check, about 12-million acres have been torched.

Enter Instagram model Kaylan Ward, who wants to help – and is happy to use the gifts that God gave her to do a good thing. She’s taken to Twitter and offered a nudie shot of her goods for every $10 that was donated. To get the nude, followers had to DM her proof of their donation from any number of relief organizations, including the Australian Red Cross and NSW Rural Fire Brigade.

To say the campaign is a success is an understatement. Kaylan says she had a “professional” go through her Twitter stats. What they found was that demand for her naked coochie was so high that she helped raise over $300K. What’s even better? Some who responded to the tweet didn’t even want the nudes, they were just happy seeing someone think “outside the box” –even if she was showing off hers– to do a good thing.

Source: The Naked Philanthropist

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