Online hackers and virus-creating scumbags are no secret to the world of porn. It’s an easy target for them because…let’s face it…who are you going to complain to if you get compromised? And while many don’t want to admit to watching it, the clear majority of people do.
With that in mind, hackers are using porn-specific traps to get unsuspecting users to click on their evilness. But there are some steps you can take to protect your devices:
- If you’re one that’s actually paying for a site, then you’re the number one target. These guys are trying to snatch up login credentials and then sell them on the dark web. Keep an eye out for scam emails and pop-up ads, and for God’s sake don’t click them. Also, change your password frequently.
- Pop-up ads focusing on “singles in your area” and “free services” are likely to be bad news. Don’t click this stuff because it’s a phishing ploy. Unbelievably, people actually have to be told this stuff. Just exit out of it.
- During your website “private time,” don’t accept any “update” request, or contribute to any request for updated information. Anything you truly need to do should go through the site directly.
You’d think this stuff would be common sense, but viruses and malware are still a major problem…so its obviously not common enough. Now, go forth and spank it in porn-loving safety.
Source: Kaspersky