There are a few things in this life that everyone wants to accomplish for themselves. At the top, we generally find two: more money, better body. But did you know that they’re interconnected…or can be? Dr. Jay Zagorsky works at Ohio State University as an economist and researcher, and he’s found a way to equate your weight to your finances. For more than 10 years, he looked at the connection between weight and wealth, and he was able to put a price tag on it. Here’s what he found:
- “For every pound of extra weight, $226 of wealth is lost.”
- “For ever point of body mass index gained, $1,900 of wealth is lost.”
- “If you’re 50 pounds overweight, you’re cheating yourself out of $50,000.”
Now, these numbers don’t mean that the moment you drop the tonnage, someone’s going to just write you a big, fat check – as nice as that would be. It does mean, however, that your grocery bills and health costs should go down, and in the long-run that saves you some bucks. Plus, there’s the unwritten fact of “weight discrimination,” which shouldn’t happen, but still does. A German study found that overweight workers made around 8% less than their skinnier counterparts.
Taking the financial mindset, here are some ways to economize your dining habits.
- “Ignore supply/cut demand” – You don’t need nearly as much food each day that you were taught growing up. Smaller meals are easier and cheaper.
- Long-Term Investment – “Value” meals are cheap and calorie-filled. Pay more for better food and avoid the up-sell features.
- Weight As Debt – Balance your diet like you balance your budget. Even give yourself a monthly statement if that helps.
- Check The Market – Daily food logs can help you ID and monitor your “problem” foods.
- Announce Your Earnings – Social media can help you track your success and your friends can hold you to it.
Source: Men’s Health