And Now... A Pizza Fork!

I don't know anyone who eats their pizza with a FORK, but I suppose those people are out there.  And now there's a brand new tool for them . . . and literally no one else. 

There's a Kickstarter going right now for an invention called the PIZZA FORK.  

And basically, it's a pizza cutter with a fork on the end . . . so you can use it to cut yourself a bite of your pizza slice, then pick it up with the fork and eat it. 

So far, demand for the Pizza Fork is . . . not good.  The Kickstarter has two days left and it's only raised about $2,300 of its $10,000 goal. 

So if you want the Pizza Fork to become a reality, you'll need to get over there and pledge.  One fork is $10, or you can get a four pack for $25.

(Thrillist / Kickstarter)

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