The Medicinal Power Of Beer

There’s so much negativity in the world – sometimes it’s important to focus on what’s right. In this case, we’re talking beer. Some say no alcohol is the way to go. The Keto crowd is downing straight vodka. It’s beer, however, that has a nice batch of medical and health benefits. Of course, moderation is the key here, but a beer a day can do wonders for you in eight key ways.

  • Bones –A University of California study shows nutrients in beer can help ward off bone deterioration – especially IPAs, pale ales and ales.
  • Fiber –Guinness has been found to be an excellent source of fiber, and – as an added bonus – can also help with gingivitis and tooth decay.
  • Diabetes –Men who were moderate beer drinkers (6 a week) were o develop diabetes.
  • Cardio –Researchers at Harvard said guys who drank a pint a day (no more than that) were 31% less likely to suffer from heart disease.
  • Eyes – Research shows that a beer a day can keep cataracts at bay.
  • Immune System –The University of California says beer can rival orange juice when it comes to building a healthy immune system.
  • Anti-Inflammatory –Moderate beer drinking can slow down arthritis.
  • Live Longer – Warsaw University of Life Sciences found a beer a day led to longer lives for 20% of those they studied.

“Moderation” is the word that keeps popping up, so enjoy your beer-a-day and enjoy your life. Cheers!

Source: BroBible

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