Great news, everybody: Humanity's most pressing existential crisis just went away . . . THERE IS NO DEATH! And this I know, for GARY BUSEY told me so.
In an interview with the "Hollywood Reporter", Gary was discussing that 1988 motorcycle accident that almost took his life. And he said, quote, "Don't call it death. There is no death. Death just stands for 'Don'tExpectATragedyHere.'"
(That's a Buseyism, for those of you who aren't hip.)
Gary did have a mystical experience on the operating table, though. He said, quote, "I was surrounded by balls of light . . . gold, magenta, amber, mother-of-pearl, all around me. More than you could count. Three lights moved up to me.
"The mother-of-pearl one spoke to me in an androgynous voice. It went, and I'm paraphrasing, 'Gary, you're going in a good direction. But it's time for you to look for help in the spiritual realm. You may come with us now or you may return to your body and continue your destiny.'"
Gary's son JAKE has a slightly different take on what the accident did to his father. He says it, quote, "turned his personality up to 11," and he reveals that he's sad most people don't remember the "incredibly talented actor" and "force of nature" he was before the crash.