Korn has announced a "groundbreaking" dramatized anthology podcast series, "The Nothing," written and created by Adam Mason and Simon Boyes with Korn. The official visualizer for the band's new song "Can You Hear Me" doubles as a trailer for the upcoming podcast series and can be seen online. The podcast shares the same title as Korn's new studio album, which arrives on Friday (September 13th).
"The Nothing" is a six-part dramatized series that tells the story of journalist Matt Singer, who travels to the small town of Wellden, Kansas to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a teenage girl. He soon discovers not everything is as it seems in the rural community. Additional information on the podcast, including air dates, will be announced in the coming weeks.
Korn's The Nothing LP is the band's 13th studio offering and follows up 2016's The Serenity Of Suffering.
Korn and Alice In Chains recently completed a North American co-headlining amphitheater tour. Korn will play a string of "Ticket To Rock" shows over the course of the next few months.
Story source:Blabbermouth