If the internet has proven anything, there’s no holiday you can’t combine with porn. Here are a few titles you can look for to get your horror-boner on with.
- Horny Beasts –People in wolf masks and dressed as devils getting it on.
- Spectro-Phelia –If you’re going to get “ghosted,” this is the way to go.
- Can Vampires Smell My Period?– We’ll just let that one bask its own juices.
- Hunt Me, Catch Me, Eat Me –For those into “furry” culture and bunnies.
- His Funeral –A girl has to be allowed to grieve in her own way.
- My Abduction Fantasy –Speaks for itself.
- Intruders –For those into the man-love.
- Dirty Doctor –No, he’s not a proctologist.
- The Gardener –Her lair is kind of like that of Poison Ivy of “Batman” fame.
- An Appointment With My Master –What “50 Shades” might’ve been like had there been actual sex in it.
Source:Men’s Health