Mitch Felderhoff, who is part owner of the holistic dog food company Muenster Milling Company, decided to eat his companys dog food for a month to show everyone that its actually pretty healthy stuff. Felderhoff said that he wanted to do this to prove to people that the company's dog food is safe for their pet to eat. We thought, We're not going to feed your dog anything that we haven't eaten ourselves," he said.
So hes kicking off 2020 by eating, well, dog food. According to Felderhoff, hes been making meals out of his companys freeze-dried dog foods and snacking on its kibble. Felderhoff also went on the companys Instagram account to talk about what hes eating. Their beef meatballs are the bomb, he said in one post. In the video, Felderhoff can be seen taking a bite of the meatball. Mmm that is something else, he said. I know dogs love it.
Source: HERE